Below are my latest shots of the moon.
Equipment Summary:
- Orion StarSeeker 80mm Goto Refractor
- Orion Imaging Flip Mirror
- Orion StarShoot Planetary Imager
- PHD Planetary Software - used to control camera, takes pics, and later to process the pics (e.g. stack and adjust color/clarity)
Date/Time: 8/27/10 10:00pm
Location: Backyard - Pittsburgh, PA
Seeing: Clear
Weather: Cool but comfortable
Exposure: 10 ms x 100 images
Experience: Good, except my EZFinder was out of alignment and I didn't want to adjust it in the dark.
- I used the flip mirror, but I'm not convinced it's worth the convenience. I think I'd rather use my dielectric diagonal which is supposed to prevent light loss and should yield a better images. I have pictures of Jupiter but the images are washed out - all white. I'd like to get more respectable images before posting.
- I'm still having a little trouble stacking images. Both softwares (PHD and RegiStax) are stacking, but the resulting images aren't as good as expected. Maybe, I'm expecting too much.
Lessons Learned:
- Patience, Willow, patience ...
Next Time:
- Figure a way to reduce the glare as I'm imaging.
Moon Shot 1
Moon Shot 2 - Reduced glare during processing